Make it Visible

Recent surveys reveal the rapid trend towards virtual buying across many consumer sectors, including real estate. Online buyers, particularly younger buyers, are more inclined to “self-research.” They hunt for third-party reviews and comparison shop, gathering as much detailed, relevant information as possible. But more than anything, they demand convenience and transparency online!

A HomeView™ pre-sale home inspection report is a clever addition to complement and amplify other publicly available information. And it’s information that is only available on-demand from HomeView™. Our reporting provides a detailed view inside, underneath, and above the home to give potential buyers genuine value-added insights.

Your home will stand out from other listings because it says that as a seller, you have nothing to hide and that you want the buyer to have a full and comprehensive understanding of what they are buying. Sellers offering a HomeView™ report project confidence in their home and develop trust with buyers.

Pre-Sale Home Inspections

A HomeView™ pre-sale home inspection report is a clever addition to complement and amplify other publicly available information. And it’s information that is only available on-demand from HomeView™. Our reporting provides a detailed view inside, underneath, and above the home to give potential buyers genuine value-added insights.

Your home will stand out from other listings because it says that as a seller, you have nothing to hide and that you want the buyer to have a full and comprehensive understanding of what they are buying. Sellers offering a HomeView™ report project confidence in their home and develop trust with buyers.



of sellers stress

over uncertainty and concern that an offer will fall through.

SOURCE: Zillow, Seller stresses: The things virtually all sellers sweat, Consumer trends report 2019 (Survey of 3000 sellers)